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PRP Treatment Specialist

National Foot & Ankle -  - Podiatrist

National Foot & Ankle

Podiatrists located in Potomac, MD & Washington, DC

The podiatrists at National Foot & Ankle Center are always on the lookout for innovative therapies that resolve your pain and address the root cause of your symptoms. They’re highly pleased with the results they’re seeing with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections for musculoskeletal injuries, aches, and pains that can make it difficult to live the active life you crave. If you’re interested in a truly natural and effective solution for your pain, call for an appointment at their office in Potomac, Maryland or Friendship Heights in Washington D.C., or book your visit online.

PRP Treatment

What is platelet-rich plasma therapy?

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy uses your body’s own tissue regeneration and rebuilding system to repair cartilage and other soft tissue structures within the joints that often deteriorate as you age, or may become injured during sports or other activities.

What can you treat with PRP therapy?

Your platelets contain powerful growth substances that attract restorative cells, such as collagen and amniotic injections, to the site of an injury. This promotes wound and tissue healing. PRP therapy uses an in-office procedure to concentrate your platelets and deliver them via an injection near the area of concern to speed healing of injured tendons, ligaments, muscles, and joints.

First used by plastic surgeons to help speed healing after surgery, doctors are now using PRP therapy to address many other conditions, including:

  • Tendon injuries and issues, such as Achilles tendonitis
  • Degenerative changes in the cartilage and tendons of joints caused by natural wear-and-tear associated with the aging process
  • Strains and sprains
  • Soft tissue wounds

Cosmetic surgeons are also finding PRP helpful for combating hair loss and rejuvenating skin affected by wrinkles and other signs of aging.

What is a PRP treatment like?

PRP therapy is fast, typically about 30 minutes overall, and begins with taking a small amount of your blood, usually from your arm. This is the same type of blood draw you may have experienced in the past when you have had lab studies done.

The podiatrist then places your blood in a machine (centrifuge) that spins quickly enough to separate the platelets and plasma from the other factors in your blood (red and white cells). This action leaves behind platelet-rich plasma that’s then delivered via injection to the area undergoing treatment.   

Is PRP therapy safe?

Because PRP therapy uses your own platelets, you won’t have the adverse reactions or side effects that other therapies, such as steroid injections to reduce joint inflammation, can cause. You may notice irritation or redness at the injection site, but that typically resolves quickly. The podiatrists usually allow patients to return to normal activity immediately after leaving the office.

Call the office for an appointment, or book your visit online to discuss whether you’re a suitable candidate for PRP therapy.

What we offer
